Don’t Forget To Service Your Boat!

Giving your engine some love is one of the most important things with owning a boat—and sometimes one of the most overlooked!

  • ALL NEW boats need to have their Initial 20-Hour Service to stay compliant with the engine warranties. You also want to make sure all is good after that ‘break-in period’.
  • Annual Service is also needed to stay compliant with engine warranties. (OR every 100-hours if you are using the boat that much in a season/year).
  • A happy, tuned-up boat will keep you and your family safe out in the water. (A broken down boat on the water is no fun).

Enjoying some quality water time with these HOT temps? Skuta Boat knows how crazy busy Summertime can be and we wanted to give you a friendly reminder to make sure your boat is up to date with it’s service!